Command Line Tools

Jetzig provides various command line utilities to make managing a Jetzig application easier. The jetzig database command provides specific tools for managing a database and migrations.

Run jetzig database --help and jetzig database <command> --help to see usage instructions from your command line.

All of the following commands operate on the development database by default. Pass -e <environment> to use a different environment:

$ jetzig -e development database create

Supported environments are: development, testing, production.

As with most Jetzig command line commands, the command can be abbreviated to the first letter, i.e. jetzig d create is identical to jetzig database create.

jetzig database create

Create the database configured in your application's config/database.zig.

Ensure that the user credential defined in your configuration is authorized to create databases. If you are running PostgreSQL in Docker (example compose.yml), this should work using the following configuration:

# config/database.zig

pub const database = .{
    .development = .{
        .adapter = .postgresql,
        .hostname = "localhost",
        .port = 5432,
        .username = "postgres",
        .password = "password",
        .database = "my_jetzig_app_development",

    .testing = .{
        .adapter = .postgresql,
        .hostname = "localhost",
        .port = 5432,
        .username = "postgres",
        .password = "password",
        .database = "my_jetzig_app_testing",

    .production = .{
        .adapter = .postgresql,
        // See Database Configuration documentation for environment variable information.

jetzig database drop

Drop the database. When using this command in the production environment the environment variable JETZIG_DROP_PRODUCTION_DATABASE must be set to the name of the production database.

jetzig database migrate

Run all pending migrations and update the jetquery_migrations table.

jetzig database rollback

Roll back the last migration and update the jetquery_migrations table.

jetzig database reflect

Read metadata from the database and generate a Schema.

Run this command any time you apply or roll back a database migration unless you prefer to manually manage your Schema file.

jetzig generate migration

Generate a new migration file in src/app/database/migrations/ timestamped to the current time and date.

This command requires at least one argument (the name of the migration):

$ jetzig g migration create_cats

info: Saved migration: /home/bob/dev/zig/

An placeholder migration is created:

# src/app/database/migrations/2024-11-10_20-42-30_create_cats.zig

const std = @import("std");
const jetquery = @import("jetquery");
const t = jetquery.schema.table;

pub fn up(repo: anytype) !void {
    try repo.createTable(
            t.primaryKey("id", .{}),
            t.column("my_string", .string, .{}),
            t.column("my_integer", .integer, .{}),

pub fn down(repo: anytype) !void {
    try repo.dropTable("my_table", .{});

Modify this file to suit your requirements before applying the migrations with jetzig database migrate.

See the Migrations documentation for more details.

Migration Options

The jetzig generate migration command also accepts a number of options for quickly generating common patterns. All of these options act as shortcuts to writing familiar boilerplate and can be ignored if preferred. In most cases the initial boilerplate can be created from the command line and then edited as required.

The below examples taken from JetQuery's test's give a general idea of the available options:

$ jetzig g migration table:create:cats column:name:string:index:unique column:paws:integer

$ jetzig g migration drop:cats

$ jetzig g migration table:alter:cats column:color:string:index:unique 

Note that (as in the last example) it is possible to generate migrations that may not be compatible with your database. For example, in PostgreSQL it is forbidden to rename multiple columns in a single DDL command. JetQuery does not attempt to prevent this kind of migration from being created or applied and instead allows the database to reject invalid migrations.