
JetQuery requires a Schema in order to function. Unlike ActiveRecord (but more like Ecto), JetQuery does not reflect the database automatically. Defining a comptime-known Schema allows JetQuery to provide powerful type checking and dynamic result types.

Instead of detecting invalid SQL at run time, JetQuery will trigger compile errors for selecting/updating/inserting columns not defined in the Schema and accessing fields in results that are not selected/defined.

For example, if we take the following query:

const query = jetzig.database.Query(.Blog)
    .findBy(.{ .title = "JetQuery" });

We can compile this code without any problems:

if (try request.repo.execute(query)) |blog| {
    std.debug.print("Blog ID: {}\n", .{});

But the following will fail, because we did not select content:

if (try request.repo.execute(query)) |blog| {
    std.debug.print("Blog content: {s}\n", .{blog.content});
error: no field named 'content' in struct ...

Schema Definition

A Jetzig application's schema is defined in src/app/database/Schema.zig.

The schema is imported in jetzig_options in your application's src/main.zig:

pub const jetzig_options = struct {
    pub const Schema = @import("Schema");

Note that the @import uses the Schema module defined automatically by Jetzig's build setup - you must use this module and not the direct path to your src/app/database/Schema.zig.

The Schema itself is a struct containing a series of Model declarations:

# src/app/database/Schema.zig

const jetquery = @import("jetzig").jetquery;

pub const Blog = jetquery.Model(
    struct {
        id: i32,
        title: []const u8,
        content: []const u8,
        created_at: jetquery.DateTime,
        updated_at: jetquery.DateTime,
        author: []const u8,
        .relations = .{
            .comments = jetquery.hasMany(.Comment, .{}),

pub const Comment = jetquery.Model(
    struct {
        blog_id: i32,
        name: []const u8,
        content: []const u8,
        created_at: jetquery.DateTime,
        updated_at: jetquery.DateTime,
        .relations = .{
            .blog = jetquery.belongsTo(.Blog, .{}),

To make the schema generation process easier, Jetzig provides a command line utility for reflecting the database schema as needed:

$ jetzig database reflect

Run this command at any time to sync your Schema with your database. See the Command Line Tools section for more information on available commands.

Any relations defined are transfered to the new Schema and the order of existing models is preserved so you can use this command liberally.