
JetQuery provides a framework for managing database migrations.

The table jetquery_migrations is used to track pending/applied migrations. This table is automatically created the first time you run a migration.

The details below cover how migrations work and the structure of a migration file. It is recommended to use the Command Line Tools to create and run migrations.

Migration Format

A migration is file named with a timestamp prefix followed by an underscore and an arbitrary string with a .zig extension. Jetzig migrations are located in src/app/database/migrations/.

A migration file contains two Zig functions:

  • up
  • down

Both functions receive a Repo which is then used to issue Data Definition Language (DDL) commands.

These functions can be used anywhere that you have access to a Repo. It is recommended that you limit migrations to DDL commands but there are no hard restrictions on how you use the Repo within a migration.


The up function is called when a migration is applied. Use this function to create tables and indexes.


The down function is called when a migration is rolled back. This function should undo the changes introduced by up, e.g. if you create a table in up then you should drop the table in down.

Example Migration

The following example is taken from this website's migrations:

const std = @import("std");
const jetquery = @import("jetquery");
const t = jetquery.schema.table;

pub fn up(repo: anytype) !void {
    try repo.createTable(
            t.primaryKey("id", .{}),
            t.column("title", .string, .{ .unique = true }),
            t.column("content", .text, .{}),

pub fn down(repo: anytype) !void {
    try repo.dropTable("blogs", .{});


pub fn createTable(
    self: *AdaptedRepo,
    comptime name: []const u8,
    comptime columns: []const jetquery.schema.Column,
    comptime options: jetquery.CreateTableOptions,
) !void

Pass a table name, a slice of column definitions, and options.


pub const CreateTableOptions = struct { if_not_exists: bool = false };


pub fn column(
    name: []const u8,
    column_type: Column.Type,
    options: Column.Options,
) Column


pub const Options = struct {
    optional: bool = false, // Specify a `NOT NULL` constraint when `false`
    index: bool = false, // Create an index when `true`
    index_name: ?[]const u8 = null, // Override auto-generated index name
    unique: bool = false, // Apply a unique constraint when `true`
    reference: ?Reference = null, // Create a foreign key, e.g. `.{"blogs", "id"}`
    length: ?u16 = null, // Specify column length (string columns default to `255`)


pub fn dropTable(
    self: *AdaptedRepo,
    comptime name: []const u8,
    comptime options: jetquery.DropTableOptions,
) !void


pub const DropTableOptions = struct { if_exists: bool = false };


pub fn alterTable(
    self: *AdaptedRepo,
    comptime name: []const u8,
    comptime options: jetquery.AlterTableOptions,
) !void


pub const AlterTableOptions = struct {
    columns: AlterTableColumnOptions = .{},
    rename: ?[]const u8 = null,

    pub const AlterTableColumnOptions = struct {
        add: []const schema.Column = &.{},
        drop: []const []const u8 = &.{},
        rename: ?RenameColumn = null,

        pub const RenameColumn = struct { from: []const u8, to: []const u8 };


pub fn createDatabase(
    self: *AdaptedRepo,
    comptime name: []const u8,
    options: struct {},
) !void


pub fn dropDatabase(
    self: *AdaptedRepo,
    comptime name: []const u8,
    options: jetquery.DropDatabaseOptions,
) !void


pub const DropDatabaseOptions = struct { if_exists: bool = false };